Saturday, May 22, 2010

Metropolis-Hasting Algorithm

One efficient way to get samples from complex distribution is by using Markov Chain. Metropolis-Hasting Algorithm is a famous one for this purpose.

The candidate point for the next sample is accepted as the next state of the chain with the probability given by

\[\alpha (X_t,Y) = \min \left\{ {1,\frac{\pi (Y)q(X_t|Y)}{\pi (X_t)q(Y|X_t)} \right\}\]
If the point $Y$ is not accepted, the chain does not move and  $X_{t+1}=X_t$

$q(.|X_t)$ is a proposal distribution. It can be multivariate normal with mean $X_t$ and fixed covariance matrix.

For example, generate random variables from a standard Cauchy distribution (target distribution) given by

\[f(x) = \frac{1}{\pi} \left[\frac{1}{(1 + {x^2})}\right]; \;\:\:-\infty < x < \infty \]
\[f(x) \propto \frac{1}{{(1 + {x^2})}}\]

We can use a normal distribution for the proposal distribution.

The MATLAB code for Metropolis-Hasting algorithm is as follow.

n = 10000;
sig = 2;
x = zeros(1,n);

cauchy = @(x) 1./(1+x.^2);
norm = @(x,mu,sig) 1/sig * exp(-0.5*((x-mu)/sig).^2);
for i=2:n  
    y = normrnd(x(i-1),sig);
    alpha = min([1, cauchy(y)*norm(x(i-1),y,sig)/...
    if rand() < alpha

%discard the first 500 points
cv = x(501:end);
% Plot the distribution and compare to the true cauchy distribution
bar(x,n/(sum(n)*width),1); hold on;
lx = linspace(min(x),max(x),100);
plot(x,cauchy(x)/pi,'r','Linewidth',2); hold off;
axis tight;

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