The benefits of Six Hats I understand now are:
1. Reduce the time of meeting. I have seen so many failed meetings where people talk and talk and they are going no where. Usually, one man
2. Explore every aspect of an idea (full-spectrum thinking).
3. Separating ego, Improving thinking, questioning, and communicating.
The order of hats depends on the situation. Here is a typical 6 hats workshop.
Step 1: Present the facts of the case ( White Hat))
Step 2: Generate ideas on how the case could be handled (Green Hat)
Step 3: Evaluate the merits of the ideas – List the benefits (Yellow Hat), List the drawbacks (Black Hat)
Step 4: Get everybody’s gut feelings about the alternatives (Red Hat)
Step 5: Summarize and adjourn the meeting (Blue Hat)
In addition to the application of six hats in brain storming workshop, I think it is great for improving individual thinking too.
refs: Six Thinking Hats, more, even more
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